Climate Conversations - Why is climate change still too 'niche' to be part of mainstream conversations?
Despite the impact of climate change being felt across the planet – it’s still rarely part of everyday conversations. Jack Board and Liling Tan speak to Katharine Hayhoe, a Canadian climate scientist, on why people avoid the topic, and how it's not just up to scientists to do the job of communication.
Climate Conversations - 'Progress not perfection’: Formula 1 sustainability chief on the race going green(er)
The roar of the F1 engines is back again this year in Singapore and race organiser Singapore GP says it's on track to halve its energy emissions by 2028. This includes reducing energy use, tapping on green energy sources and limiting their carbon footprint. Jack Board and Liling Tan chat about whether these green goals are achievable as the rubber hits the road.
Climate Conversations - Singapore companies going green is still very much a work in progress
This episode is brought to you by Schneider Electric, a digital partner for sustainability and efficiency.
As the clock ticks towards Singapore’s mandatory climate reporting requirements, Schneider’s cluster president for Singapore and Brunei, Yoon Young Kim, and Singtel’s vice president of group sustainability, Andrew Buay explain what sets companies apart when it comes to disclosing their carbon emissions across scopes 1, 2 and 3, and what they stand to lose if they don’t start early.
Climate Conversations - “I’m terribly worried”: UN chief on warming temperatures in Southeast Asia
Which country needs to reverse emissions trends? Who has to start phasing out coal? Who must answer the SOS on rising sea levels affecting islands and coastal cities? In an exclusive interview with CNA, UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres tells Climate Conversations co-host Liling Tan why the world’s biggest polluting countries need to accelerate change.
Climate Conversations - Can the medical industry reduce its staggering carbon footprint?
From massive amounts of energy usage in hospitals, nursing homes and clinics to single use plastics for medical supplies, the medical industry's carbon footprint beats that of shipping or aviation. But how do you save lives and save the planet too? Jack Board and Liling Tan break it down.