Daily Cuts - Krystal Lam's Frozen Beauty
Melanie Oliveiro speaks with Krystal Lam founder of local natural skincare brand Frozen Beauty. Lam will talk about how she founded a consultancy services firm which paved the way for Frozen Beauty, and how she is growing the business. She’ll also discuss product innovation – how the brand infuses herbal plants and minerals into their products, and how Frozen Beauty has a green initiative that incentivizes customers to adopt more sustainable behaviours.
Daily Cuts - Creations to reduce e-commerce waste
On Singapore Today, Joel Chua and Justine Moss speak with Mathsy Kutty, APAC Leader, The Climate Pledge, about creating products, services and technologies to protect our planet from environmental harm.
Daily Cuts - Hosting major events: A reliable business strategy for Singapore's tourism sector?
On Singapore Today, Joel Chua and Justine Moss speak with Dr Kevin Cheong, Managing Partner, Syntegrate, about whether hosting major events have become a new business strategy for Singapore's tourism sector, and if this approach could eventually lose its lustre.
Daily Cuts - A Letter to Myself: From confronting a loanshark runner... to running a charity for women
Kaylee Kua, the Executive Director of Daughters of Tomorrow, didn't have a typical childhood. But those growing up years gave her grit and resilience. She reflects on her journey and what she'd tell her younger self about the value of relationships.
Daily Cuts - From Screen to Stage: Bluey's Big Play!
A big fan of Australia's Bluey? Now you can catch Bluey and the Heeler family, "for real life!" in Singapore! Through the staging of Bluey’s Big Play - a brand-new theatrical adaptation of the BAFTA & Emmy® award-winning children’s television series, Work It's Stanley Leong and Cheryl Goh learn what goes behind-the-scenes with Rose Myers, Director of Bluey's Big Play The Stage Show. She's also an award-winning director for Windmill Theatre Co, with productions like The Wizard of Oz and Pinocchio under her wing.l