Adjournment motion on whole-of-society approach to addressing discrimination
The Government is committed to working with partners to combat discrimination and build an inclusive society, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth Eric Chua told the House on Tuesday (Feb 4). He said its approach is based on three pillars - legislative safeguards, policies that foster social integration and protect the interests of minorities, and enlarging common spaces where Singaporeans live, work and play. Yet this only provides the foundation and everyone has a part to play in shaping the Singapore they want to live in, he added. Mr Chua was responding to an adjournment motion moved by NMP Syed Harun Alhabsyi on taking a whole-of-society approach to addressing discrimination. Dr Harun suggested starting young and in schools to improve opportunities for growth and leadership among minorities and those with disabilities; empowering minorities and marginalised groups by championing their stories of success; promoting more common activities that all have a good chance of enjoying and succeeding in; addressing legislative and policy gaps; and for the Government, as the largest employer in Singapore, to take the lead in challenging discriminatory narratives and shaping positive ones.
The Government is committed to working with partners to combat discrimination and build an inclusive society, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth Eric Chua told the House on Tuesday (Feb 4). He said its approach is based on three pillars - legislative safeguards, policies that foster social integration and protect the interests of minorities, and enlarging common spaces where Singaporeans live, work and play. Yet this only provides the foundation and everyone has a part to play in shaping the Singapore they want to live in, he added. Mr Chua was responding to an adjournment motion moved by NMP Syed Harun Alhabsyi on taking a whole-of-society approach to addressing discrimination. Dr Harun suggested starting young and in schools to improve opportunities for growth and leadership among minorities and those with disabilities; empowering minorities and marginalised groups by championing their stories of success; promoting more common activities that all have a good chance of enjoying and succeeding in; addressing legislative and policy gaps; and for the Government, as the largest employer in Singapore, to take the lead in challenging discriminatory narratives and shaping positive ones.