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Immigration drove white, Asian population growth in US last year

Immigration drove white, Asian population growth in US last year

People recite an oath during a naturalisation ceremony on Feb 15, 2023, in San Diego. (File photo: AP/Gregory Bull)

Without immigration, the white population in the United States would have declined last year.

Immigration also propelled the expansion of the Asian population, which was the fastest-growing race or ethnic group last year in the US, while births outpacing deaths helped propel growth in Hispanic, Black, tribal and Hawaiian populations.

Population estimates released on Thursday (Jun 22) by the US Census Bureau show what drove changes in different race, ethnic and age groups last year, as well as since the start of COVID-19's spread in the US in April 2020.

The country had grown to 333.2 million people by the middle of last year, a 0.4 per cent increase over the previous year, according to the 2022 population estimates.

For white residents in the US, immigration drove the expansion. Without it, the white population, including those who identify as more than one race, would have dropped last year by more than 85,000 people instead of growing meagerly by more than 388,000 residents, or 0.1 per cent.

When the focus is narrowed to white people who are not Hispanic and identify only with a single race, there was a decline of more than 668,000 people in the white population since the number of immigrants could not overcome the steep drop in natural decrease that came from deaths outnumbering births last year.

Population growth is propelled in two ways: Through immigration and natural increase, when births outpace deaths.

The data released on Thursday speak to the complexity of the nation’s ever-shifting population patterns and reinforce a level of nuance not always reflected amid the political debate over immigration.

“Immigrant and refugee communities bring talent, culture and a set of skills that are needed in our community,” said Arrey Obenson, president and CEO of the International Institute of St Louis, which helps newcomers adapt to life in the US.

Since the start of the pandemic in April 2020, the white population has grown by 391,000 people, all of it driven by immigration.

Hamdullah Hamdard immigrated to St Louis in September 2021 from Afghanistan, where he had run a media production company, after threats from the Taliban and deteriorating conditions made it unsafe for his wife, son, brothers and parents.

He started a production company in St Louis, runs a news outlet for the local Afghan community and is a communications manager for the International Institute of St Louis.

“I could start my own business once again, and I could pursue the dreams that I had in Afghanistan,” Hamdard, 31, said on Wednesday.

The US last year had 260.5 million people who identified as white, including those who identify as more than one race.

Maricopa County, home to Phoenix, had the biggest jump in the white population of any county, gaining more than 35,000 new white residents last year. Arizona's largest county also had the biggest gain in the overall population of any US county, with a jump in 2022 of almost 57,000 new residents due to domestic migration.

Immigration also drove Asian growth last year, accounting for two-thirds of the 577,000-person increase in people who identify as Asian, including those who identify with more than one race. That 2.4 per cent bump was the largest of any race or ethnic group, and there were 24.6 million Asians in the US last year.

King County, Washington — home to Seattle — added almost 21,500 Asian residents, the most of any US county last year.

The Hispanic population in the US grew by more than 1 million people last year, the biggest jump in pure numbers of any race or ethnic group. Two-thirds of that expansion was driven by natural increase, or births outpacing deaths. More than 63.3 million people identified as Hispanic last year, a 1.7 per cent increase over the previous year.

The biggest Hispanic growth in pure numbers was in Harris County, Texas, home to Houston, which added almost 35,000 Latinos last year.

Natural increase also drove almost two-thirds of the 436,000-person jump in the Black population last year, a 0.9 per cent increase from the previous year. The Black population stood at 50 million residents in 2022. Harris County, Texas, had the largest numeric gain of Black residents of any US county, with almost 23,000 residents.

The American Indian and Alaska Native population stood at 7.2 million residents last year, an increase of more than 93,000 people, or 1.3 per cent. Maricopa County, Arizona had the biggest numeric gain, with more than 3,100 new residents.

There were more than 1.7 million Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders in the US last year, an increase of 1.2 per cent over the previous year. Clark County, Nevada, home to Las Vegas, had the biggest increase, with almost 1,500 new residents.

Source: AP/rc

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