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CNA Correspondent Podcast: India’s farmers want guaranteed crop prices, but the government may not back down this time

India’s farmers form a sizeable voting bloc, but their protests aren't likely to sway the government to give them what they want.

Farmers in India are out on the streets protesting, claiming the government has reneged on promises to guarantee prices for their crops. People in this sector make up as much as 40 percent of India’s voters, but Prime Minister Narendra Modi is showing little sign of backing down, even as he seeks a third term in office.

Rebecca Bundhun explains why they’re upset and why they may not get their way this time. 


Indian farmers warm up around a bonfire during a protest demanding minimum crop prices (Photo: AFP/Narinder NANU)
They've come with their tractors, their trailers, their tents, and everything ... even their washing machines. So clearly, they're planning a very long demonstration.
(The farmers say) the Narendra Modi government has made a lot of promises over the years, that they voted Modi to power and they feel that he hasn't delivered.
The farming sector is facing a massive problem, almost half the population depend on agriculture for their livelihoods (but) the contribution as a percentage of GDP has really come down a lot over the years.

Jump to these key moments:

  • 1:28 What do farmers want?
  • 7:43 Will minimum prices for crops distort the economy? 
  • 11:39 Who is driving negotiations?
  • 14:13 Why has the Indian government’s position hardened? 

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Source: CNA/cr

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