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Lower likelihood of haze in Singapore on Monday with forecast of rain and favourable wind direction

The air quality in Singapore is expected to be in the moderate range on Monday. 

Lower likelihood of haze in Singapore on Monday with forecast of rain and favourable wind direction

Hazy skies at Singapore's eastern anchorage off East Coast Park on Oct 7, 2023. (Photo: CNA/Try Sutrisno Foo)

SINGAPORE: There will be a lower likelihood of haze in Singapore on Monday (Oct 9) amid anticipated rain and favourable wind direction. 

“The prevailing winds are forecast to blow mainly from the east tomorrow, lowering the likelihood of transboundary haze affecting Singapore,” said the National Environment Agency (NEA) in its daily haze advisory.

“Showers are also expected over Singapore and the surrounding region which could bring about some improvement to the regional haze situation.”

The agency noted that the haze situation improved on Sunday despite the persistence of dry conditions over most parts of Singapore and the surrounding region. 

Singapore's air quality fell into the unhealthy range on Saturday for the first time since 2019, as winds brought haze from Indonesia's forest fires.

NEA said a total of 68 hotspots were detected mostly over the southern and central parts of Sumatra on Sunday, lower than the 188 hotspots detected on Saturday.

“Moderate to dense smoke haze was observed from satellite imagery over central and southern Sumatra, blowing towards the northwest by prevailing winds.”

As of 11pm, the 1-hr PM2.5 concentration readings were in the normal range, while the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) was 54 to 73 in the moderate range. 

The PSI for the next 24 hours is forecast to be in the moderate range as well, added the agency. 

1-hour PM2.5 readings as of 11pm on Oct 8, 2023. (Image: NEA)

The health impact of haze is dependent on one’s health status, the PSI level, and the length and intensity of outdoor activity. 

For immediate outdoor activities, members of the public should check the 1-hr PM2.5 concentration readings and personal guide. 

The 24-hour PSI forecast and corresponding health advisories can be used when planning next-day outdoor activities.

Air quality readings and advisories can be found on and the myENV app.

Satellite imagery showing wind direction as of 1.55pm on Oct 8, 2023. (Image: National Environment Agency)


Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Grace Fu said on Saturday that Singapore has enough masks for use if the haze worsens

Asked about preparations to make masks available, the minister said: "We have been planning for that. I believe that we have sufficient stock for us. But of course, it's always important to remember that we're dealing with uncertain weather conditions."

Ms Fu added that if necessary, Singapore will acquire more masks.

According to the interagency haze task force, N95 masks are not required for short exposure such as commuting from home to school or work. 

"In general, a healthy individual who has to be outdoors for several hours may wear an N95 mask to reduce exposure when the forecasted air quality is in the hazardous range (PSI > 300)," the task force said in a media release on Saturday.

Vulnerable people can wear an N95 mask if they have to be outdoors for several hours when the 24-hour PSI is above 200.

Source: CNA/zl

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