New community spaces for Rail Corridor in Queensway, Stagmont Ring
Those visiting the Rail Corridor can look forward to more community spaces. These are expected to help strengthen the character and heritage of neighbourhoods. The 24km Rail Corridor aims to create a green spine, connecting neighbourhoods right down the middle of Singapore. The Queensway community space is set to be completed in 2027, while the Stagmont Ring space is slated to be ready in 2035. The lead architect for the Queensway community space was chosen after winning a design competition last September. Rachel Teng reports.
Those visiting the Rail Corridor can look forward to more community spaces. These are expected to help strengthen the character and heritage of neighbourhoods. The 24km Rail Corridor aims to create a green spine, connecting neighbourhoods right down the middle of Singapore. The Queensway community space is set to be completed in 2027, while the Stagmont Ring space is slated to be ready in 2035. The lead architect for the Queensway community space was chosen after winning a design competition last September. Rachel Teng reports.